The Camera sim practice

I used 400 ISO for this entire aasingment
Shudder speed F-stop

1/15 secF4.5 It looks all white and blank, with an  ISO of 400.  
1/30 sec F4.5    I am starting tho see the photo but it's still very white, 400 ISO
1/60 sec       F4.5   The pic is much more clear but still just a little white
1/125 secF4.5    The pic is 80% clear but the rest is white 400 ISO
1/250 secF4.5   It is almost all there just a tiny bit of white.
1/500 secF4.5  Almost perfect except she is just a bit blurry.
1/1000 sec   F4.5  The picture is perfect with the right balance of color.
1/15 sec F5.6  It is all blank.
1/30 secF5.6 Mostly light   barely can see her
1/60 secF5.6  Getting  closer has a lot of light still.
1/125 secF5.6   Looks the same as the last one.
1/250 secF5.6 Almost there has a bit too much light.
1/500 secF5.6  The girl is a bit too blurry.
1/1000 secF5.6  The picture is too dark and tinted.

1/15 secF8.0 very blurry and too much light.   

1/30 sec
F8.0  Not so blurry but still a little white.
1/60 sec

F8.0  Looks almost like the last one.
1/125 secF8.0  The picture is still a little bit white
1/250 secF8.0  Perfect picture.
1/500 secF8.0  The girl and the background is tinted.
1/1000 secF8.0   The picture is    very dark, but not completely.
1/15 secF13 The girl is blurry and the pic is too white.
1/30 secF13  The picture is a little too white, just a little.
1/60 secF13   The picture is almost perfect except just has a hair of too much light
1/125 secF13 The picture is perfect.
1/250 secF13  The photo seems a little too dark.
1/500 secF13  The picture is really dark can barely see the subject.
1/1000 sec

1/ 2000 sec

F13 The picture is super dark      and is blurry with no focus at all.
F5.6  ISO is 800 and the picture    is almost perfect.

1/ 20 sec F13 The   ISO is 6400, the picture is  so bad that the whole picture is white because the light sensitivity was too high  



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