Great Black and White Photographers pt 3

1. The thing that caught my eye is that they were both older men.
2. the reason why i chose these pictures because they are some famous characters in society

2.  I am going to use as if i was next to them

     I see- The bulge of the camera staring at me in the face. I am also seeing the person in the pic, their clothes , skin, hair, and their personality.They seem very calm, I can tell because i can see their expression in their face.
     I smell- I smell the type of scent they use everyday. I can smell their house on them surrounding the clothes that are on their clothes. Their scent of their story is eroding their life and everything around them.
     I hear- I hear with my ears their beating heart under their sweating skin in their trapped ribcage. I listen to their comments that they are making to the photographer about how they look. I'm hearing the photographer struggling repeatedly taking his pictures.
     I taste- The dense air from all the tension from the photographer. I taste the saliva oozing from my mouth thanks to the heat in the room. I taste the same things that i would normally taste in todays modern society. 
     I feel - With my heart racing thinking about being her in the past looking at these people that belong in past. I feel with my gut that the subject doesn't want to be here at this moment as if they have to be somewhere else. I feel the passion in the photographers work as he is taking it.  

3. I feel that i would want to make a poster board with all the photos on it, or a powerpoint would be great to because it's portable.                                    


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